Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Now I know I couldn't work in an office!

Computing I spent today pushing papers. I had 4 IEP's to write for a meeting on Thursday. I got a sub, a woman I used to work with. She's a sweetheart, but, well, uh, isn't a real go-getter. She brought her guitar. I knew she would so I wrote in the sub plans specific times she could play it. One of my paras came to find me to tell me that she was playing the guitar, not working on dioramas. I told her to just get all the stuff together and start grabbing kids and work on them. The sub will be back on Thursday, so I'll make sure she only has time at the very end of the day to play her guitar.
I took Bindi to the vet yesterday to get a hematoma on her ear drained. She came home in an Elizabethan collar. The poor old girl doesn't see all that well to begin with. Now she's running into doorways and walls. She has no depth perception at all.

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