Sunday, April 13, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie, my mom's yorkie/shih tzu mix

Doggy Lick It's a girl. She's a 16 week old Yorkshire Terrier puppy that lives in Florida. She's my mother's yorkie/shih tzu mix's half-sister. I'm so excited. The only part that is tough is that I can't get to Florida to get her until June. TWO MONTHS! It will go by quickly. I need to send my mom a check to pay for her and buy a harness, leash, and all of the trappings. She'll have my mom's one year old mix to play with so she won't get lonely. I'll take Hogan, the lhasapoo, with my when I drive down to Florida so he can meet her off of his turf. That ought to take some of the wind out of his sails. He needs a puppy to play with. Bindi, the dal, is getting really old and rarely plays anymore. He tries to challenge her, but all they end up doing is wagging their tails and barking at each other in the puppy play crouch.

1 comment:

Paulie said...

Enjoy! I hope they all mesh for you. Probably will be good to get in summer when you can help them get to know each other.