I sure wish I could share a picture of my little 4th grade student who decided that she needed to "talk" yesterday. I guess a picture of my classroom is going to have to suffice. This little girl usually points at what she wants. Yesterday she had finally had it with another student who is able to communicate using a Picture Exchange Card System (PECS). She started grabbing at the other girl's cards. So, I got her a set of simple cards of her own. I showed her some emotion cards and asked her how she was feeling. She grabbed the "mad" card. I asked her what she wanted. He took the "tired" and "beanbag chair" cards. I told her she could get in the beanbag after worktime and snacktime. She then grabbed the "Happy" card. I was so excited! I talked with the speech therapist today. We are going to make her a communication board that will fit on her wheelchair tray. She'll be able to take it home and bring it back to school. This is a little girl who we never thought would be able to communicate efficiently. She is nonverbal and in a wheelchair. Now the sky's the limit!
It sounds like an extremely rewarding day!
Thanks for posting your blog addy at t.net...I enjoy reading other's blogs.
I love to read other teacher's blogs...sometimes it is pretty lonely being the only grownup in the room all day long by yourself!
That's wonderful, Kathy.
I am Kathy/Wa and you will find me at
Katney's Kaboodle.
I'm addicted to blogging. Oddly enough, I don't much blog about my two passions, my library and quilting.
Wow, Kathy, what a great thing to be able to witness! I love seeing the bits and pieces of other peoples lives that we meet through T-Net so I will check on your blog to keep up to date.
Terrific! Success feels so good!
I have saved your addy and come and visit again. I already see a little doggie I want to read more about. .
I love blogging and this month is the beginning of my 3rd year at it.
I do hate those word verification and instead I moderate all comments -- that way, if someone leaves a comment on an old post, I won't miss it and I don't get spam.
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