Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Now I know I couldn't work in an office!
I took Bindi to the vet yesterday to get a hematoma on her ear drained. She came home in an Elizabethan collar. The poor old girl doesn't see all that well to begin with. Now she's running into doorways and walls. She has no depth perception at all.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Breakthrough at work yesterday!!!!!!!!
I sure wish I could share a picture of my little 4th grade student who decided that she needed to "talk" yesterday. I guess a picture of my classroom is going to have to suffice. This little girl usually points at what she wants. Yesterday she had finally had it with another student who is able to communicate using a Picture Exchange Card System (PECS). She started grabbing at the other girl's cards. So, I got her a set of simple cards of her own. I showed her some emotion cards and asked her how she was feeling. She grabbed the "mad" card. I asked her what she wanted. He took the "tired" and "beanbag chair" cards. I told her she could get in the beanbag after worktime and snacktime. She then grabbed the "Happy" card. I was so excited! I talked with the speech therapist today. We are going to make her a communication board that will fit on her wheelchair tray. She'll be able to take it home and bring it back to school. This is a little girl who we never thought would be able to communicate efficiently. She is nonverbal and in a wheelchair. Now the sky's the limit!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I need a revolving door!
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie, my mom's yorkie/shih tzu mix
It's a girl. She's a 16 week old Yorkshire Terrier puppy that lives in Florida. She's my mother's yorkie/shih tzu mix's half-sister. I'm so excited. The only part that is tough is that I can't get to Florida to get her until June. TWO MONTHS! It will go by quickly. I need to send my mom a check to pay for her and buy a harness, leash, and all of the trappings. She'll have my mom's one year old mix to play with so she won't get lonely. I'll take Hogan, the lhasapoo, with my when I drive down to Florida so he can meet her off of his turf. That ought to take some of the wind out of his sails. He needs a puppy to play with. Bindi, the dal, is getting really old and rarely plays anymore. He tries to challenge her, but all they end up doing is wagging their tails and barking at each other in the puppy play crouch.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What's that yellow thing in the sky?
My students have been awesome this week. They continue to amaze me with their abilities to push past their disabilities to gain skills that many felt they would never achieve. One of my students is moving up to Middle school in the fall. We went to a meeting yesterday. One of the people at the meeting remembered him from Early Childhood. I reminded her that we had been told that he would never have functional speech. She was amazed when I told her that not only does he talk, but he rarely is quiet. This boy can tell stories that are so believable, that one would think his family life is very exciting. Of course his favorite tv show is "Cops". Today I had a boy who can take about 8 steps independently get up and walk all over the classroom, then down to the library and back. WOW!
are all things I should be doing instead of sitting on this couch with my laptop. I should have never bought this thing!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Beautiful day
Thursday, April 3, 2008
First week back at work
Yep, I'll be scoring tests online. I also have to get ready for a meeting next Tuesday. I also have to get a meeting set up before the following Tuesday (the 15th). I have another 2 meetings to schedule before the end of April. I also have the final 2 meetings on May 15th. My head will be spinning by then. I'll deserve my summer vacation.
We only have 8 more Mondays of school. The last Monday will only be a 2 hour session with students. We then have the rest of the day to work on closing down our classrooms. I want to head for Florida the next day. We'll see how things go.
I have a podiatrist appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get a full release to go back to my regular exercising and activities. I need to really work out to speed up the weight loss. I also need to work on toning up. Summer is quickly (I hope) going to be here.