Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer, 2011

This has already been a very busy summer. I've gotten Synvisc injections in my knees and am starting physical therapy. I went to Florida and spent 2 1/2 weeks basking in the sun and floating in the pool. My mom came back to Illinois with me. It was a fun trip with my 2 dogs and her two dogs. We were home for just a few days when a huge thunderstorm and windstorm knocked out the power for 52 hours. It just came back on yesterday. Our roof was definitely damaged. Hopefully it won't leak as the roofer cannot get here for another 10 days.

I took a 1 credit hour course this week. That puts me at a Masters+10! Hopefully I'll be able to move over a lane in the fall. It depends on contract negotiations, though, so I'm not counting on the extra money on each paycheck. I need to take more coursework in the fall. I want to move over to the top of the payscale as soon as possible as the last 3 years count toward retirement.

The rest of the summer promises to be busy. I'm going to Springfield to work on the Illinois Alternate Assessment next week. I'm also in the middle of refinancing my house. I'd love to be able to close next week so I can put that behind me. This weekend my mom and I will be babysitting my great nephew and great niece. Sam is 9 months old and Delaney is 5 1/2 months old. It's going to be a lot of fun. Sam has started walking early, just like his daddy. Delaney is just plain sweet and cuddly. They are total opposites!

Hopefully I can get my roof repaired or redone before we go to the Dells the first weekend in August. After that I will be taking my mom back to Florida. This will be a quick trip. I'll stay there for a couple of days, but will have to return to set up my classroom.

I'm changing grade levels this year. Instead of teaching 3rd through5th graders with severe disabilities, I will be teaching 2nd and 3rd graders. I will also be moving my classroom to the 2nd/3rd grade pod. It will certainly be different.

I'll try and update as things change or happen.

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