Saturday, May 17, 2008


In The Pool Well, the pool is calling. I hooked up the new filter/pump and am currently running it. I skimmed the top of the pool to get the leaves and other debris out. I still need to vacuum the bottom, but I know the water is just too cold. I bought a new solar blanket and have the pool covered. I still need to fill it a little more, but will do that once I have the bottom clean. This has been such a cold spring that pool chores I normally would have done aren't.

I have opened up the house to air it out. I had the furnace turned off for about a week, then the frigid weather returned. I just turned the furnace off again. I'm not going to turn it on until next winter! Last year I turned it off the 3rd week of March and didn't turn it on again until the 3rd week of November.

Computer I finished up my IEP's this past week. I can now start packing up my classroom to move it next door. The second grade teacher and I are switching rooms. This way both second grades will be next door to each other. I'll have an end room with more storage and more square footage. YIPPEE!!!!!! I will also have one solid wall. Both of my side walls are folding walls and are difficult to "decorate" around. It ought to be fun to come up with a new floorplan. I'm going to get rid of my 3 small file cabinets and buy one tall file cabinet with a good lock. That will make my life much easier and give me more floorspace.

Dusting Well, better get to my housework. It's not going to do itself. Vacuuming

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