I got home from Florida a few hours ago. It was quite the trip. I left on June 11th at 5 a.m. and stopped just south of Atlanta, GA around 8 p.m. (7 p.m. central time) for a total of 14 hours of driving. Whew! However, I managed to make it to my mom's in Florida by 2 in the afternoon on Thursday. Then, on Saturday I got sick with a respiratory flu. I was miserable for about 2 1/2 days, but perked up after that. Then, last week, I injured my right index finger while working in my mom's pool. My index finger got caught as the inner part of the ladder broke loose in the pool and floated away. The finger laid completely over to the right pinky finger over the top of my hand. Then there was that nasty snapping noise. I wrapped the finger and hand in an Ace wrap. It's much better, though still does hurt when pushed toward the pinky finger. It didn't affect my ability to float around the pool, though. I did bring little Trixie home. She and Hogan have created a tentative truce. Bindi seems a bit put out, though. I'll have to give her lots of extra attention. She's looking really old and seems to have lost even more hearing in the past 2 1/2 weeks. She still is a great snuggler, though, and that's what counts.